We aim to share photographic knowledge in a stimulating, non competitive environment for aspiring recreational photographers in the Tri Cities.
About our Club Membership
PDPC was founded in 2004 to create a stimulating, non-competitive learning environment for its members. We are a group of amateur and professional photographers using DSLRs and cellphones to capture and create visually creative images on a variety of mediums
To further the art of photography, we offer a program that includes:

We encourage members to put their work on display either as prints or as projected images at our regular club meetings and we provide assistance if they wish to participate in external competitions.
When we meet:

Club meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 PM. We have adopted a hybrid model for our meetings. Some meeting will be in-person and others will be via Zoom.
The in-person meetings will be held in the Drama room of Port Moody Secondary School. For a complete list of meeting dates indicating whether they are Zoom or in-person and associated agendas visit our website at: